

Модификаторы бетона и строительных растворов "Мобет" предназначенные для изменения свойств бетонов и строительных растворов.

Марки Мобет различаются по агрегатному состоянию (порошковые и жидкие) и по механизму действия.


Увеличена пластичность рабочего раствора, а также усилева водостойкость защитного слоя, что позволяет получать монолитный с подложкой защитный слой с повышенной долговечностью. Парацид обеспечивает надежную защиту от воздействия кислотных паров и растворов кислот средних и высоких концентраций с величиной рН от 1 до 4.

Antigidron Admix Mark 5 "Liquid concentrate"

Antigidron Admix Mark 5 "Liquid concentrate" is a admixture for concrete and cement – sand admixtures of  sealing action. In addition it contains a high quality hyperplastificator. It is completely soluble and it allows to add an adduct into concrete and cement admixes (including admixes for uniting) together with water of tempering or with the application of standard joints of adduct admixes dosage at automatized concrete and cement – sand admixtures and expels the possibility of portioning units clogging. The absence of chlorine allows to use an adduct for concrete cementing.

Antigidron Mark 4 "Seaming"

Antigidron Mark 4 "Seaming" — a new class of hydroisolation concrete - mixes. One component of concrete-mix is specially worked out for sealing joints the above mentioned materials with metal, plastic and glass surfaces exposed to temperature, shrinkage and other deformations. It combines elasticity typical for mastics and the properties with the penetrating hydroisolation. It allows sealing one joint in one step. The absence of chlorine allows applying the material for sealing concrete joints of with metal.

Antigidron Mark 3 "The extended surface water - proofing"

Antigidron Mark 3 is specially worked out for surface smearing by a sprayer or a distributing roller. Antigidron  provides a higher efficiency compared with the ordinary water - proofing  mortars smeared with a brush or a spattle.

Antigidron Admix Mark 2 "Liquid concentrate"

Antigidron Admix Mark 2 – "Liquid concentrate" is an admixture for the concrete-, cement and sand - mixtures. It is totally diluted in water and allowed to be added in the concrete-, cement-sand mortars (the mixes for quniting included) together with the water addition or usage of standard units for the Admix proportioning in the cement mortars plants (for the case of automatic manufacturing of the concrete - and cement - sand mortars(the mix for quniting included). As the Admix is chlorine - free it can be used for reinforced concrete.

Antigidron Mark VL50

Antigidron Mark VL50 is specilly developed to waterproof the concrete, - rock, - brick surfaces. It feautures high cracking – resistance and an enhanced cladding characteristics.

Antigidron Mark 1 "The surface water – proofing"

Antigidron Mark 1 is a newer level in water - proofing materials group ensuring:

  • Durable quality (the protective layer of Antigidron Mark 1 adheres stronger to the homogeneous and heterogeneous surface being treated; insusceptible non - exposed to cracking and crumbling and it has an increased effect of “cracks selfcuring”);
  • Manufacturability (a working mix of Antigidron  Mark 1 is more ductile, non - exposed to sliding down the vertical surfaces, it can be applied by a gunite way; less exposed to premature overdrying).

Антигидрон марка 0-6

Antigidron Mark 06 is a base water - proofing composition of an Economclass with the steady high water - proofing low - temperature resistance and the strength performances. It is a grey homogeneous loose mix


The fracture control of the concrete, – rock, – brick structures due to the water penetration in – depth and a reliable water–proofing maintenance of the structures said above are the problems to be urgently solved in all the construction branches. At present nobody makes no doubts of the need to waterproof the structures. Among the water - proofing materials the highest working characteristics were exhibited by the water - proofing materials of a penetrating effect which reactive additives protect the concrete 5-15 cm in — depth ensuring high concrete water – proofing and low temperature resistance. This protection differs from a smearing or roll water-proofing protection by the surface fractures non – formation and temperature — independent changes during summer or winter.

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